Crushing Codependency
Stop over-giving and overdoing. 
Pour your energy into creating your BEST life. 
 Break free from over-functioning, over-delivering, people pleasing, and ignoring your own needs so you can finally live the life you deserve! 
You feel responsible for basically everyone and everything in your life. You are constantly trying to make sure that other people are OK. You solve problems to help those you care about (and even those you don’t). And you are simply exhausted!

You feel compelled to over-give your time and attention in your relationships, including your romantic partners, friends, and family. You are always there for everyone else, yet you hesitate to ask for help when you need it.

You do things you don’t want to do or feel compelled to “fix” the problems or situations of others. This can lead to anger and bitterness or feeling taken advantage of or underappreciated.

You’ve noticed negative cycles that leave you frustrated and feeling unfulfilled in your relationships. You may even be resigned and think, “This is just the way life is.”

Since you’re smart and savvy in the rest of your life, it really pisses you off that this relationship thing is so confounding. You KNOW there is a secret to balancing love and happiness—you just don’t know what it is.
In other words…
As long as everyone else is happy, you’re OK.
(because that’s what “good people” do.)
You may really believe that working yourself to death to keep life conflict-free, doing whatever it takes to FIX the problem, and not rocking the boat will one day bring you the inner peace you crave.

But the truth is this high-functioning codependency and over-functioning is part of an overdeveloped sense of responsibility for other people's feelings and outcomes.
It is depleting and ineffective.

Resentment, stress, and exhaustion are inevitable when you are compelled to take care of everyone around you.

Covertly trying to manage and change others is exhausting and does not produce the happy, healthy life you deserve.
This state of exhaustion can lead to a desire to numb painful feelings with unhealthy habits like drinking, emotional eating, or not taking care of yourself physically and mentally which only produces more unwanted feelings.

You can kick this codependency habit and
put an end to the unsatisfying cycle.
The Crushing Codependency course is specifically designed to reveal the underlying reasons you struggle with overgiving and overdoing so you can pour your energy into creating your best life.

Inside Crushing Codependency, we’re going to help you uncover what you actually want and then help you re-write the manual on how you treat yourself.
Are you ready to focus on YOU?
I am the only one who struggles with codependency.

What’s wrong with me?

This is just who I am. This is my life. I’ll be this way forever.
The truth is you are far from alone. Millions of people worldwide struggle with the same feelings. Codependency is not a life sentence. It’s simply a pattern of behavior — one you can break with information, practice, and guidance.

We've created this course to virtually hold your hand as we guide you to do the work it takes to change your ingrained behaviors.

You'll start to take small steps to build real self-awareness, self-knowledge and self-love so you can stop looking to others and what you do for them to fulfill you.
Recovery from codependency is not only possible, it's wildly liberating.
You deserve to be happy.
You deserve to be your own best support.
You get to decide how people are allowed to treat you.
Mark and Terri were basically describing my life and all the issues I have and where they stem from.
"I knew something was off, but didn't realize that I was so Codependent. I am also in the phase of my life where I have felt stuck for years and I needed some guidance on how to move forward and have a better relationship with myself, so that I could have good relationships with others.

I learned that self care is not selfish at all. That was one thing that I needed to unlearn and this course definitely was a great teacher, guide, and constant reminder that putting myself first is the most important thing I could do in my life!"

Jenine H.
I knew I was overly focused on my partner and his needs, wants and desires and I felt in a way I was abandoning my own.
"I have a new found awareness of deep patterns and tools to be able to move thru and navigate myself in to knowing how to create a new approach one that is in more alignment with my needs, wants and desires."

Jessica M.
Crushing Codependency is designed to help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself so you can look objectively at any dysfunctional relationships and make the needed changes to live a happier, more harmonious life.
When you enroll, you’ll create a roadmap to better understand yourself and your relationships.

You’ll raise your awareness of anything in your past that might be contributing to any current issues.

And you’ll develop the skills to clear away energetic and emotional blocks that might be keeping you stuck in dysfunctional patterns.
Learn To Prioritize You

You’ll discover effective and healthy ways to shift into a position of loving and prioritizing yourself as you would a cherished loved one. You’ll learn how to get in touch with your wants, needs, and preferences.
Feel Calm & Confident

Knowledge is power. The more you understand yourself and your relationships, the easier it becomes to be less reactive, to stop second-guessing yourself, and to consciously choose something different.
Feel Free & Clear

When you complete this course, you’ll have more clarity about what is your responsibility and what isn’t. You’ll be able to stay on your side of the street and stop feeling responsible for the happiness of others. You’ll be free to create the life you truly desire and deserve.
Video Trainings
With Mark and Terri to help you create and sustain a healthy relationship with yourself and others.
Integration Exercises
Take your intellectual understanding of the content to the next level by personalizing it.
Community Support
Join Create The Love and Team TC coaches and a vibrant online community of like-minded students.
Therapeutic Meditations
Target the conscious and unconscious parts of your mind to integrate new behaviors and thought processes seamlessly.
Customer Support
Amazing customer support so you know you are always taken care of.
Access Anywhere
Access to the course from any device (desktop, mobile or tablet).


We begin by defining codependency and becoming aware of codependent tendencies. Awareness is the first step to transformation.

Highlights include:

Getting clear on what codependency looks like, how to differentiate between caring and codependent behavior, and how to start to change your behavior.

Increasing your understanding of codependency and its influence on relationships.

Get tools and tips to help you develop a self-care routine.

We're taking an inventory of all current relationships in your life. Codependency and dysfunctional interactions are not exclusive to romantic relationships. This process will give you a clear understanding of which relationship dynamics need your time and attention the most.

Highlights include:

Getting a clear snapshot of the way you’re functioning in your relationships and help you to start to practice being more mindful of your behavior.

Distinguishing the difference between codependent and interdependent relationships.

Learning steps to create more balance in your relationships, leaving you happier and healthier.

Exercises for improving your own self-esteem and your self-love, to help you improve all of your relationships.

The next step is uncovering your Downloaded Blueprint or the set of beliefs and stories around how relationships are “supposed to be” that you learned growing up. We will be uncovering unconscious material that is informing your relational behaviors so that you can shift into making mindful, conscious choices.

Highlights include:

Discovering that your unique codependency blueprint is created from the beliefs, ideas, and behaviors you learned and observed growing up—including the experiences you had, the roles you were expected to fill, and the model of relationships you witnessed.

Identifying common experiences in childhood that can lead to codependent tendencies in adulthood.

Three self-compassion exercises to start to heal your inner child.

An experiential exercise to Take Back Your Power. This way you can free yourself from familial negativity and feel the power of your parents’ positive attributes and your own life force at your back!

You will learn how to connect the dots between your past experiences and your present conflicts so you can identify and stop repeating unhealthy relationships. Self-understanding is a key component of your liberation.

Highlights include:

Learning to uncover the unconscious reasons and un-obvious benefit you might be receiving by staying stuck (which happens to be the first step to getting UN-stuck!)

Understanding what might be really going on under the surface of your interactions.

Lovingly inquire more about your own reactions, feelings, and desires.

Identifying the coping schemas that have kept you trapped in bad or emotionally abusive relationships.

Learning real-life ways to develop new and empowering habits that heal—AND are backed by psychology and neuroscience.

Finally, you will learn the language of healthy boundaries and authentic communication. We have created “sentence starters” and actual scripts that you can make your own!

Highlights include:

Learning an exercise designed to help you physically release any fear, guilt, or anxiety you may have about setting boundaries or speaking up for yourself in your relationships.

Strategies to get you to listen and understand your body signals so you can STOP and FEEL what your body is telling you.

Uncovering 4 reasons why you may not be enforcing or upholding your boundaries.

Cheat sheets for you so when you need to establish a boundary, set a limit or make a simple request, you will have the words.


Included When You Join Today!

6x Group Coaching Call Recordings With Mark & Terri

Enjoy exclusive access to these coaching call recordings between Mark, Terri and Crushing Codependency Students.

In each recording, Mark and Terri go deeper into various key concepts from the program—and address common questions and concerns that you too may encounter as you progress through the course.

I have gained wisdom and tools I can use to not have to go back to my old patterns of codependency.
"I loved all the different worksheets, energy work, and meditations. I feel there is resources for each person no matter where you are at in your life. This course has made a huge impact on my life and has made it possible to really grow and continue to do the hard but fulfilling work of becoming the person I have always wanted to become but never knew how."

Christa F.

"I'm quite surprised at the amount of confidence I've stepped into through these 6 weeks. I'm not anxious or sweaty in the moments of boundary setting. I even find myself looking forward to those moments. This means I am and will be literally showing up in my life. Showing up for myself and showing up for these healthy relationships that I desire. Authentically and honestly. :)"

Colleen K. 

People will only take advantage of your time and energy as long as you let them. Isn’t it time to stop?

It is only when we decide to do something different and then take action that things start to change. Nothing changes until you do. So now you have a choice. There are two possible paths.

You can keep doing what you’ve already been doing and keep getting the same results OR…

You can let us guide you to start creating a life you love.

Why just survive when you can thrive?
Here’s How Crushing Codependency Works

1. Immediate Access
You get immediate access to the program once you enroll.

2. Small Steps = Real Change
Each module's content offers simple steps and strategies that will move you towards your liberation.

3. Micro-Learning: Fits Even Your Busiest Days
You can learn at your own pace by setting aside 10-20 minutes a day, or a longer session on the weekend to do your integration exercises.

4. Better Together
We incorporate community learning for maximum results. All our students have the opportunity to connect in a community to support, witness and cheer each other on!

This program is for you if you are authentically interested in learning the skills to break free of Codependency.

Your satisfaction with our program is important to us. We have a 14-day money-back guarantee. We know how much of a game-changer the Crushing Codependency approach, tools, and program can be for you if you do the work.
Get Immediate Access Upon Purchase
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I have gained wisdom and tools I can use to not have to go back to my old patterns of codependency.
"I loved all the different worksheets, energy work, and meditations. I feel there is resources for each person no matter where you are at in your life. This course has made a huge impact on my life and has made it possible to really grow and continue to do the hard but fulfilling work of becoming the person I have always wanted to become but never knew how."

Christa F.

I can't praise Mark and Terri enough!
"They are incredibly insightful, down to earth, relatable (especially Mark), funny and caring. The course they created was very well thought out and strategic. I feel like it was broad enough to cover the majority of people's issues but specific enough that I could find little nuggets out of each section that really resonated with me and the challenges I'm going through in my life.

If you're feeling stuck or confused in a relationship, whether that's with a loved one, friend or romantic partner, I highly recommend taking this course. My eyes are now open and I have the tools and confidence to make the changes I've always wanted to make in my life. Thank you both!"

Jodie J.


Your course access will begin immediately after purchase. Modules will open up weekly so that you have time to work through the content to integrate the concepts and strategies.

This course is for anyone—single, divorced, presently in a relationship and needing insights—who can identify with struggling with codependency.

You are in the right place. This course is filled with other people who truly get you and are supportive of your transformation.

Yes! Crushing Codependency is for anyone who wants to start to heal from codependency.

All you need to start is the desire to change! Crushing Codependency gives you structure, support, inspiration and community as you begin your journey. In fact, it’s an awesome place to start thanks to the community and the flexible structure.

Instead of feeling overwhelmed with the information that is out there, you have two guides and a supportive community to journey with you.

Your level of participation is voluntary and completely at your discretion.

You can learn at your own pace by setting aside 10-20 minutes a day, or a longer session on the weekend to do your integration exercises for the 5 weeks.

We recommend that you watch the videos and do the exercises as you get them weekly, and estimate that it will take 2-3 hours a week to do the exercises and watch the group coaching session.

We highly recommend that you spend 10 minutes every day doing the meditation as well.

The above schedule is what we recommend to set aside if you are going through 1 module per week. You can choose to take longer per module if needed to fit your own schedule as this is a self-guided course.

The course is recorded and available for you to watch or listen to the content.

You just log into the course portal to access all the videos, meditations, transcripts, PDFs, and more.

You can access the membership portal from your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

You can also download the audios and PDFs and save them on your devices.

Plus you can ask questions and share your takeaways right inside the membership portal.

Module 1 - What is Codependency

We begin by defining codependency and becoming aware of codependent tendencies. Awareness is the first step to transformation.

Module 2 - Your Relationships

We're taking an inventory of all current relationships in your life. Codependency and dysfunctional interactions are not exclusive to romantic relationships. This process will give you a clear understanding of which relationship dynamics need your time and attention the most.

Module 3 - Your Downloaded Blueprint

The next step is uncovering your Downloaded Blueprint, or the set of beliefs and stories around how relationships are “supposed to be” that you learned growing up. We will be uncovering unconscious material that is informing your relational behaviors so that you can shift into making mindful, conscious choices.

Module 4 - Become a Detective

You will learn how to connect the dots between your past experiences and your present conflicts so you can identify and stop repeating unhealthy relationships. Self-understanding is a key component of your liberation.

Module 5 - Scripts + Scenarios

Finally, you will learn the language of healthy boundaries and authentic communication. We have created “sentence starters” and actual scripts that you can make your own!

We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, simply request a refund in the first 14 days and we’ll refund your tuition to the program.

Your level of participation is voluntary and completely at your discretion.

If you have past trauma that has been treated, Crushing Codependency is appropriate for you.

For clarity, this program is not a substitute for therapy but can be a powerful compliment to it. If you are in therapy currently, feel free to share the course information with your therapist to get their input.

If you have painful past trauma that has not been treated and that negatively impacts your life and relationships, Crushing Codependency may not be appropriate for you. We suggest you seek ongoing treatment from a professional trauma therapist to heal your trauma.

Get Immediate Access Upon Purchase
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